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Know Your Cereal

A Technology-Incorporated Math Lesson

Created by Ronni Cruz, Frankie Dela Cruz, and Maria Soriano

Technology Applications for Education
University of Guam



Welcome to Know Your Cereal!

This blog presents a fun and simple lesson plan for 5th grade students that teachers can use to incorporate technology, as well as an awareness of a healthy breakfast, into a math lesson. Using ASSURE, we've designed a lesson plan that utilizes technology to teach students how to collect data, input collected data into an electronic spreadsheet, and create a graph with the information provided.

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Analyze Learners

Grade Level: 5

Subject: Math

Disability to Cater: Autism

Gender: 50% boys, 50% girls

Ethnic Group: Mix of Pacific Islanders, Filipinos, Japanese, and Korean

Socioeconomic Level: Middle Class

Learning Style: 45% visual, 32% kinetic, & 23% audio


State Objectives

Students will be able to

1) Locate the nutrition facts on three different cereal boxes

2) Collect salt, fat and sugar data

3) Change miligrams of salt, fat, and sugar to grams

4) Add data into a spreadsheet

5) Create a graph with gathered data

6) Analyze & read a graph

7) Present their understanding of the graph through writing a
compare-and-contrast paragraph on data


Select Methods, Media, & Materials


Discrete Trial Teaching (DTT), a teaching strategy that breaks steps and skills into smaller, easier parts
and taught using prompts, will be used.  This teaching method enhances learning of communication and self-help skills.
It will benefit slower students and cater to students with autism. Additionally, teacher will also use modeling,
lecture, and prompts to teach lesson and skills.

The teacher will be able to:

1) Model to students how to successfully reach objectives

2) Utilize visual representations and manipulatives, along with

verbal guidance, to aide visual, kinetic, and auditory learners

3) Present new skills and information in chunks with simple,

easy instructions to cater to learning of autistic students

4) Discuss the connection of the graph activity to math and health

5) Explain the relevancy of the activity to the students

6) Connect the activity to their health and explain why it is important to know


  • ​Laptop/Computer/iPad with Internet access

  • Google sheets

  • Google docs


  • Frosted Flakes cereal & box

  • Fruity Pebbles cereal​ & box

  • Apple Jacks cereal & box

  • iPad, laptop, or desktop


Utilize Media & Materials

Prepare the Learners:

Prior to the lesson, the teacher will refresh students' knowledge on salt, fat, and sugar (how they look, where they are found, etc.) and show visual aides and manipulatives to aide student comprehension.  She will then connect students' knowledge to introduction of the lesson and explain the learning objectives.

Prepare the Environment:

The teacher will choose students, at random, and put them into three different groups for the activity. Additionally, aide will be provided students with autism through prompts, such as a box of the cereal and samples of the cereals.

 Prepare Materials:

The teacher will provide the students with all of the necessary materials, including cereal boxes, samples of the cereal, and a mainframe with Internet access.



Require Learner Participation

Students will be able to:

1) Present their graph and gathered data

2) Discuss how he/she got that data and what tools were used

3) Ask questions at the end of their presentation

4) Engage in a group discussion and reflect on each others comments/opinions


Evaluate & Revise

Was the lesson explained well?
Is the graph at 100% accuracy?
Is the fat, salt, and sugar content converted correctly?
Were the tools helpful and effective?
Did the student meet the overall objectives?
Did the students gain or learn anything from this activity?

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