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    Empowered Learning
Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing,
achieving and demonstrating competency in their
learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.

1D  - Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.

          The artifact that best fits this standard is the Online Educational Game assignment. In this group project, my group mates and I had to choose an educational online game for students of the grade level we decide. After exploring and analyzing its content, along with the pros, cons, and possible uses of the game, we presented our findings to the class.
          This artifact meets the standard in demonstrating my ability to understand the fundamental concepts of a technology tool – our online educational game – and present those concepts to an audience. Additionally, my team and I also discussed how this technology tool can be utilized to benefit student learning and incorporate technology into the classroom


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